Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Dad just celebrated his 53rd birthday. Joyeux Anniversaire dad! So we decided to celebrate at Hotel Concorde just now. It was quick. Mummy booked a place there and for all we knew the next thing was to get ready. We bought a photo frame of a school bus where there are pictures of us now & then, when we were younger. It was really awesome weyh! Sorry Aisha, too bad Imaan didn't want to take any pictures at all. Mengade-ngade!

Anyway the present was supposed to be mum's as well because qada' ganti her birthday last december and I had to find all the pictures by myself, digged the old photo albums and passport photos. Phew!

The food was quite nice but mamak still the best do. haha.

budak gemokkkkkkk

Anyway there's a guest group performed from Indonesia. You can see it at behind. I forgot the name of it. They sang a birthday song for dad. I requested for Manbai Kau Ilhamku. *cries* ;p, Azraa requested for Kenangan Terindah from Samsons. Gler jiwang. Mummy was like "What???". hahaha. Well she knows Mamma Mia though :P

Performing birthday song .. yeyyo!

Nah, we didn't have any birthday cakes. Later we celebrate at home again.


Monday, January 12, 2009

U ingat i buat lawak ke! u ingat i ni ape!

Saya ada cerita menarik. Cerita ini berlaku pada hari Jumaat yang lalu. Entahlah tak tahu apa pasal. Mungkin hari itu lebih istimewa daripada hari-hari yang lain. Mungkin ada orang hendak bagi surprise pada saya. Tapi hari itu bukan birthday saya. Kring kring! kring kring! Bunyi handphone saya berdering. Eh bukan kring kring, sekarang zaman maju, bunyi true tones I'm Yours by Jason Mraz kedengaran. Mungkin peminat setiaku. Orang tidak pakai lagi handphone cikai Nokia 3310 atau yang setaraf dengannya. Oh mungkin juga tidak sebab nenek saya pakai handphone itu.

Saya mengambil handphone saya dengan penuh debaran bagaikan menanti pengumuman hari raya di kaca tv. Jam menunjukkan 6.30 pagi. "Siapakah peminatku?" bisik hatiku. Saya tidak memakai cermin mata pagi itu. Entah kemana saya letak. Mungkin tertinggal di tandas barangkali. Bau tandas bibik saya basuh semalam terasa harum apabila memikirkanya. Dia gune Febris mungkin. Saya nampak nama pemanggil bermula dengan N .. mata saya terkedip-kedip untuk memfokus.

Siapakah N? Nelly Furtado ke? Tidak mungkin sebab dia sudah kahwin. Naomi Clark daripada 90210 ke? Tidak mungkin juga sebab dia tidak se hot Annie Wilson. Nate Archibald daripada Gossip Girls ke? Oh tidak tidak. Atau Nobita & Doremon? Tak mungkin juga. Saya cuba memfokus dengan sepenuh tenaga macam Harry Potter mengeluarkan magic untuk membunuh dementor-dementor yang ganas yang hodoh dan bodoh.

La, rupa-rupanya Nadiah kawan sekelas saya! Hati saya mula berkecai bagaikan ibu kucing kehilangan anak-anaknya, bagaikan Romeo kehilangan Juliet, bagaikan Abby Abadi berpisah dengan Norman Hakim, bagaikan milo tak bersusu. Cis kurang asam boi, ganggu saya tidur sahaja!

Saya menekan telefon bimbit saya dengan sopan santun. Key pad rosak pulak. Tertera satu message baru: Clas F9 2day cncel.

Saya macam tidak percaya. Bagaikan delimma. Terasa macam angin penghawa dingin padam, terasa masa terhenti buat seketika. Mungkin itu kuasa Hiro Nakamura. Saya mencari-cari Hiro dalam kegelapan. Hiro! Hiro! Adekah itu hero saya membawa khabar berita baik atau saya hanya mengalami fantasi? Swoshhhhhhh. Saya balik ke alam realiti.

Tak kan Nadiah buat lawak kot. Rasa hendak bertanya kepada Nadiah sahaja tapi takut dia reply, "u ingat i buat lawak ke! u ingat i ni ape!". Ini Nadiah lah Rashaad bukan Aiman Hakim. Dia tidak akan membuat lawak pagi-pagi buta. Tanpa membuang masa saya terus reply: Thanks. Who told you eh?

Tidak beberapa lama kemudian Nadiah replied: Debie. patrick calld her

Saya macam tak percaya. Saya ingatkan Nadiah yang saya kawan selama ini bukan Nadiah yang saya kenal. Tapi saya silap. Nadiahlah yang telah mengejutkan saya dan memberitahu saya kelas hari ini batal. Terima kasih Nadiah!

Tapi bagaimana pula dengan cikgunya? Saya menggaru-garu kepala. Runsing. Kelas batal tapi cikgu?

Keesokannya baharu saya tahu, cikgu saya kena denggi.

My first attempt on full Malay post. Peace.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A New Hope

i guess people change physically and mentally. i came across this one section of magazine about one week ago about how to keep in touch with your best friends. i read along the way with enthusiasm feeling. the more i read it the more it makes sense. well friendship, love, honesty, the circle of your life. well i admit as we grow older, we move on ahead, our roads are diverged in different paths until at one point we just realised how far we have gone through and then we saw one of the old photographs when we were younger, all the memories came back rushing in our mind like it was yesterday and pondered upon it's truth that a thought occured to us that time flies really fast. gosh, it's 2009 already!

just how lucky we are especially those who were born in 1989, the year of snake. as daring we are, as fierce as we can be they say. it's a miraculous thing that at our age, we have almost everthing we need and accessible. be it internet, ipod, digital camera, fantastic networking, contact lenses, wireless handphone, wifi, webcam, playstation, laser treatment, plastic surgery, what about those people who were born before us like those from the 50's and 60's? how did they survive without the help of technologies in their teenage years? talking about technology, how lucky my aunties and uncles are to have the chance of playing facebook.

one word to describe 2008 is interesting. mr ben told me interesting has 2 broad meanings. it can be bad and it can be good the other way. lets give an example. i went a date the other day with my gf, she brought me to her house to meet her parents and we ate dinner together. she asked me, "what do you think of my parents?". i wanted to tell her their cookings were terrible, that i was not fond of her parents because i couldn't see how the relationship will work out while staying in the house with them. madness i thought. i didn't want to hurt her feelings either so i gave an indirect answer, "interesting". okey as i've mentioned this is an example.

2008 has been an interesting year indeed. definitely much better than 2007. so many things to write here if i list everything it will end up being a checklist. more ups than downs. more colourful than monotonous. in general, it is interesting.

i foresee that 2009 will be a challenging year ahead for me because firstly it is most likely that dad will have to work in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in february. so to speak i'll be the head of the family while dad's gone working. that means i'll be in charge in the house, manage my time wisefully, spending more time with the family, driving my siblings to school, music classes etc. secondly, most likely we won't have a maid so the burden of the house chores will be placed on us. the current maid's contract will expire on february. mum doesn't want to have a headache to hire a new maid, being already dissapointed with the performance of the current one. thirdly, since my brother got straight As in his pmr (congratulations yaw!) and he opted for mrsm, well lets say he got into one (i hope so), i'll definitely have to accompany mum to drive to & from (i hope not so). so that will be another task.

since some of my friends start leaving abroad as early as february and as late as october this year, i'll definitely be missing ya all! well, that will be another task sending them to airports. :P rifqi, mat, qaisy, ainul to Australia. mahfuz to France. aiman, adlan, aizat to UK. aiman, sofiya, asif, zikri, azlikha to US. meor to Japan. hanif to Germany ... to name a few and others of course.

happy new year to you all, with much love & respect & selamat menyambut maal hijrah 1430