Sunday, November 9, 2008


I just realised mostly what I have written here doesn't concern serious issues like Syukri Shairi, Raja Iskandar, Adlan Wafi and Qaisy Jaslenda's. I'm more a laid back person, something that I like to write mostly crap and rubbish stuff.

If you happen to notice, mosts posts I will eventually delete it within 24 hours if it is concerned crappy stuff even it is the best interest in my heart that I like people to read it but I just rather keep it to myself. There's a lot of draft in here, published and re unpublished. You might wondering what the purpose of having a blog when eventually you deleted the posts eh? Well I dunno.

Suddenly I feel like to move to America after watching Disturbia in HBO last night. Frankly speaking, America is the least favourite country I'd like to go even I have been there before when I was younger. Sorry no offence for those who are studying there. I thought England is contrary to America but I was wrong. All western countries are the same! I am relieved when Obama was elected as the new President of America, the first being a Black. It's a revolution that the Americans are yearning for and they do need a change and finally they have it. Only the most serious issues that they are facing now is economic crisis; recession that happens every 10 years. Dad still owes me an explanation for recession, I'm too lazy to wikipedia and google it.

Talking about America ... big country, friendly neighbourhood, spacious house and surroundings, delicious food and girlfriends. Oh talking about girls, it's difficult to get one here as your neighbour. Most of them like to stay at home. Too bad Malaysia is a hot country, you won't be expecting anyone near your neighbourhood (girls) to jump into the swimming pool in the middle of the day. You know what I mean if you watch Disturbia. Maybe I just keep my hope down in the rabbit hole for the moment.

From my observation, Americans are very good in starting a conversation. In general, the white people. That's why they are friendly. Spontaneous it can be with new people.

"Hey my name is Rashaad. It's nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too."

Talking about conversation, I met this one girl, 2 years younger than me at my cousin's place. She's cute. ( I hope she doesn't read cuz she has a blog too) I dunno why suddenly that day I feel really - really shy and I only managed to smile at her. I was lost in my words. At that time I took a cake and was walking towards the dining room. She was sitting with her friend, a guy ( well I thought he was her boyfriend actually he was not) at the sofa. I walked passed through her and to my surprise she invited me to seat at the sofa too. And so I replied, "It's okay, no thanks." I was bloody hell stupid, idiot, a sore loser, dumbass, fucker! I cursed myself for every word I said to her and it was the stupidest thing I have said in my whole entire life. She was trying to start a conversation and there I was, politely declined! There goes my hope.

Maybe the Disturbia movie has greatly contributed to what I'm writing here, hoping with my mighty heart, with binoculars in my hand, to start seeing people from different perspective and to know them better and never politely declined.

I'm beginning to like America now ...


adlan wafi said...

this post is certainly not rubbish...hehe

P/S: my blog's serious..really? i always thought it's just babbling. at least it's good to know that it's serious ;)

Ahmad Rashaad said...

quite serious. your blog is flawless. no grammatical errors, all perfectly written,some with hadiths all, and name of the posts with song titles!

mine in the middle of no where. sigh

aidil said...

good job rashaad! haha.

Ahmad Rashaad said...

good job? or blow job? haha. good job ape bendenye? america? lame! haha. buat lah blog, bosan lah asyik tgk gambar je without any writings ... Fariq got one, he's in Ainul Mardhiah's list. u should make one too!

aidil said...

i'm too lazy to write. gamba pon ok whattt.

Rifqi Al-lil said...

well shad, recesssion is.... err.
since my economic paper dah abis. so i dah tak igt. haha. btw my blog is the crappiest.i know. lame.
i think the purpose for me to blog is, as a gentle reminder for my future self of what i have done.

Syukri Shairi said...


Ahmad Rashaad said...

i'm saying the truth right .. hahaha

Anonymous said...

hi i have a funny feeling you're talking about me. I did ask u to sit beside me but u declined.

I miss u, i Love u..

Ahmad Rashaad said...

hahaha. my ass la la faiz or any of my cousins. i know it's you!

"i miss you? i love you?" hahaha. i feel like crying now, giler lawak. sumpah tak tahan. hahahhaha