Thursday, July 31, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Colour & Crayon

Here I am again with another excuse. Sorry for the boring posts lately. I couldn't help myself either. But thanks again for dropping by readers. Wicked, I have fanatic fans! Okey I was pleasantly surprised by mum's intention to watch Sex & the City for a midnight movie today on Friday. Normally when I invited her for a movie she will declined it helplessly. Well, you know women with their careers. They never get tired of it not like us men.
I can't recall when was the last time I watch movie with her and my family. It must have been ages ago. The worst part of it, I wasn't invited for the Sex & the City movie which my siblings claimed supposed to be a Girls' Night Out until I found out. I planned to join them with a greater prospect of watching the movie literally not disturbing them so called their Girls' Night Out but the best part of it, it was cancelled minutes ago and here I am writing, exercising my fingers in front of the computer while listening to my own blog song - Viva La Vida. Btw, where's the heck is Jerusalem?
I still remember few years ago when the Sex & the City first season was aired in HBO. Was it in 2002? Frankly speaking I lost track of time until Desperate Housewives came out. Both were a big hit and I daresay there's something spicy about the Sex & the City TV series that made a debut movie recently that keeps the fans awakening not only the ladies but the guys. Mind you.
Back then, my mother will always give me some excuses not to watch the Sex & the City and asked me to go upstairs instead so that she could watch it with my dad. The reason was I was underage and it was not appropriate for me either. Because of the scenes? Wonder to me ... Come on boys will always be boys.
I know nothing about the hit TV series, for all I know it was about Sarah Jessica Parker and her ladies and sex until last week when I asked mum about the movie being released here in Malaysia - is it possible? Then I know, the make up of the movie is not all about the first mentioned, instead it is about fashion, style and lines. I assumed that's the ingredients to make the TV series such a mind blowing among the ladies and fashionistas. And that was the moment I know that SJP wore Jimmy Choo's shoes and handbags - our own favourite footwear designer.
I hope it gives me some story about what this movie is all about. Tomorrow maybe. Definitely tomorrow. I haven't read the review yet and I don't want it to spoil my mood either. So I just hope that my luck will be on my side this time and mind you the popcorn is waiting for me.
Sometimes I fall for the wrong girl
Known as:
toronto, ontario, canada
Hair color:
jet black
striking black
Fallen off the bed?:
Broken someone else's heart?:
i dont think so
Had your heart broken?:
i think so
Had a dream come true?:
torn t-shirt, pants, the rest is history :P
Listening to?
coldplay's viva la vida
dad's office, home
Chatting with:
no one
What i Should Be doing:
acca is 4 months' time. u think? :P
Have any piercings:
yes ... okey now i confess that driving is my least fav thing to do
Have a cell phone:
Talked with on the phone:
What do you want to be when you grow up?
a father with beautiful kids, millionaire
What comes first in your life?
What do you usually think about before you go to bed?
bawang putih oh plz. hehe
TV Show:
friends =)
kuey teow lakna
Like to give hugs:
Like to walk in the rain:
i can make it through the rain
Prefer black or blue:
Sleep on your side:
Have stuffed animals:
sikit la kot
Pierced NOSE or TONGUE:
7th Heaven or Dawsons Creek:
tak suke
Chocolate or flowers:
chocolate for guys and flowers for ladies kan?
Color or black-and-white photos:
Stay up late or sleep in:
stay up late
Sun or moon:
Left or Right:
10 Acquaintances or one best friend:
the more the merrier
Spring or Fall:
First Screen Name:
First self purchased CD:
linkin park ... that explained why my email is linkin_boyz16
First pet:
First piercing/tattoo:
i'm clean
Last GOOD cry:
cant recall
Last phone call:
few hours ago
Last time showered:
morning ;)
Current mood:
Current food:
french fries plz nak mcd curly fries
Current hair:
waivy ... i loike!
Current annoyance(s):
my throat
1. Made you smile:
2. Saw you cry?
humphhh, the best part of it i cant recall
1. Be serious or be funny?
funny la
2. Drink whole or skim milk?
whole milk
3. Spend time with your parents or enemies
1. Do you prefer gray or black?
3. Sunrise or sunset?
sunset that's romantic :P
4. M&M's or skittles?
1. Do you like anyone?
2. Do you believe in love at first sight?
3. Do you fall for the wrong guy or girl?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Viva La Vida

Seas would rise when I gave the word
Now in the morning I sleep alone
Sweep the streets I used to own
I used to roll the dice
Feel the fear in my enemies eyes
Listen as the crowd would sing:
"Now the old king is dead! Long live the king!"
One minute I held the key
Next the walls were closed on me
And I discovered that my castles stand
Upon pillars of salt, and pillars of sand
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
Once you know there was never, never an honest word
That was when I ruled the world
It was the wicked and wild wind
Blew down the doors to let me in.
Shattered windows and the sound of drums
People could not believe what I'd become
Revolutionaries Wait
For my head on a silver plate
Just a puppet on a lonely string
Oh who would ever want to be king?
I hear Jerusalem bells are ringing
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter won't call my name
Never an honest word
And that was when I ruled the world
Hear Jerusalem bells are ringings
Roman Cavalry choirs are singing
Be my mirror my sword and shield
My missionaries in a foreign field
For some reason I can not explain
I know Saint Peter will call my name
Never an honest word
But that was when I ruled the world
Saturday, July 19, 2008
the Dark Knight

I continued to walk again, slow motion and then jogging along the road. About 10 minutes later I bumped into a dead animal. It was smaller this time. It wasn't a superman nor an airplane, it was a poor little bird. Okey I thought it was an awkward moment to see this little birdie on the road. At least there must be some valid reasons that the 'little crocodile' had involved in the hit & run accident but not this poor little birdie. Impossible it was being hit by a running car. The sky was his place not the road. Impossible either to have a bird shooter here with a shotgun aiming at the birds sky high hoping they might be blasted into pieces.

So, that night ...

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Chocolate Chips & Tasty Nuts

Monday, July 14, 2008
Satu lagi projek kerajaan BN!

Today another history has been made. Malaysia Boleh! The unnecessary massive traffic jams. Today I left home exactly 7.30am and arrived at college exactly 9.ooam. Cool eh? Normally it takes me 30 minutes the most to reach Sunway but today shit happened for a reason. Satu lagi projek kerajaan BN! Applause!
There's nothing to be afraid of. Why should there be road blocks everywhere? If the government is transparent and fair, they need not be afraid of the protest. Even if there's a protest near Parliment, it's total bullshit to have road-blocks 5 km radius away from Parliment. Why?
You are afraid that the Parliment might be blown up by the prostesters equipped with C4 just the way Altantuya was blown up? haha
And the oil price is very high nowadays. It's even sky rocketing in August by that time it will probably reach RM 4.00. Today you government wasted our time and money on petrol. Do you know how many millions of ringgit we had lost today by your unworthy road blocks? People came late to work, students came late to colleges. Almost everywhere you could see sea of cars in the highway. The unnecessary traffic jams.
Every day a new drama is unfold and we are sick of political gimmicks made by the government. The police cannot be trusted and so does the judiciary system of Malaysia. People are crying in pain in their hearts and the thought of it make people sick. Sick!
And the PM won't step down until June 2010. How long will that be? Another 2 years for the transition of power? The waiting makes the people suffer and there are a lot to be done to recover the trust of rakyat to the government. By that time it's questionable whether the new PM can fulfill this. People will doubt over BN's credibility to regain the trust of rakyat by the 13th General Election in 2013.
Sunday, July 13, 2008
Port Dickson for 4
Thursday, July 10, 2008

Hailed in 2006 by director Kevin Macdonald as the world’s “best British actor under 30 without question,” Glasgow native James McAvoy’s talent for playing flawed yet sympathetic characters made him an actor to watch for the new millennium.
Saturday, July 5, 2008

Well what about movies? I managed to break the records by watching 7 movies in a month! Gees, don't you think I deserve an award? :P From Indiana Jones, the Hulk, Prom Night, Kung Fu Panda, Get Smart (twice) to Superheroes Movie. Wanted and Handcock I guess would be awesome! So far Superheroes Movie is my favourite although the movie is stipulated to be the worst of all compared to Scary Movies, Epic Movie etc. But it's not bad after all with Drake Bell a leading actor in the movie.
Last week I went to this club with my college friends at Cavells, Hartamas at midnight. Zharif drove me there. I parked my car near my college since I didn't know the way at all. Heck haven't been there for ages. Okey this is like my first time. Damn like malu giler. Just had a coke. The place is fully occupied and there was a performance. Not bad. But I didn't participate in the dance. The last song is very soothing. I couldn't remember what was the lyrics but I think I went to the wrong place. All were adults! Very few teenagers! So what could you expect! And the week before me, aiman, raja went to Laundry Bar nevertheless it was much better than Cavells.
Strange things happened to me lately. I don't know why. I guess maybe because of the hormones. One day while I was watching WWE in TV3, suddenly this particular girl from my college came into my mind. My heart was beating very fast and it was like blood rushing through my head. The last time I had this feeling was last year and I think I'm fond of a girl from my friend's college but later I found out she's in a relationship. Sigh.
Anyway, this college girl has something special inside her that I like. She's clean I assumed as in she doesn't go to clubs because I saw her pictures in one of the social networking sites. She's sweet in her manner and appearance. She has lesung pipit when she smiles that gives a bonus. :P I still can remember it was early of this year when she walked pass through me but I was silent in my words. I assumed she didn't notice me and later she sent me a testimonial in one of the social networking sites approving my appearance. Well I thought she didn't notice me but she did! How lucky I was. So I replied to her and we sent messsages but nothing went that far. Just normal conversation like hey hey you you. I even asked my friend, Yusri for an oppinion about her and showed him her picture and he agreed with me.
I think I saw her with her geng just now in the cafe but I didn't go near because I fear of being noticed. Aish. I was on my way to the bookstore and entered. When I went out she's gone! I thought of the thought that came into me and I smiled to myself.
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Great, I've been tagged!

8 books I’ve read recently:
Michael Buble - Sway
Fame isn't everything