Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ramadan & Syawal

Good old friends from MRSM, amir top up, faiz, amirul and fahim ogy

One of the days that I've been waiting for to celebrate is Hari Raya Aidil Fitri, which is my top priority in my list. You can see it in my calendar, marked with X. The best part of it, it is the longest holiday I could ask for - a 5 days free from college life, that's the longest break so far in this semester. I never complained though at least it is better than never. So when it comes to Raya, everybody will associate themselves with mouth watering food- lemang, ketupat with kuah kacang, visiting your relatives and neighbours and not to forget angpau.

The worst part of it, most of it did not materialised as what I had expected. At least for some. Well not for the other. So called raya. Or maybe that's what I think in contrary to the children's perception towards Raya, in my opinion most of them totally enjoyed it. That's why I felt when I was a child, the least I have it now. The passing of time.

This year is the least time we visited our relatives' houses both from my father and mother's sides. There's no single family photo of us wearing baju melayu and kebaya. Non. There's no seeking forgiveness to my parents and siblings. There's no duit raya from parents. As you can see, most of them did not materialised. The most boring and dull of Raya celebration in my 19 years of history.

Until came 4th day of Raya. We had doa selamat for my sis, she's leaving to Alexandria this Monday. That's the highlight of the week, the best part of all. Where our relatives from both sides met up at least for once, we could talk face to face, exchange ideas and ask for forgiveness. All far away from Terengganu to the nearest in Seremban. At least my mood turned out to be fabulous. Ah, what a day.

Talking about food, I've gained weight for 2 kg in 4 days. Great achievement there I assume. I have high metabolic rates anyway. No matter how much I consume, the outcome is very minimal. Better start exercising now Ramadan is finally over. ;)

Thanks Uncle Fiz, this is the best sms Raya I've received so far,

Assalamu'alaikum, sorry to disturb, it's your guest Ramadhan here. Just want to thank you for entertaining me this month, but as my departure nears with tears I beg you to entertain my brother Syawaal adn the rest of them as you have me. Please do not fold up you musalla & pack away your Quran, keep your heart firm on Iman, I will definitely be back next year, INSYAALLAH. But will you?


Syukri Shairi said...

I didn't get that sms :/ a very good one though

fiqss said...

wow good sms. must copy it down! hehe

hey selamat hari raya to u rashaad =)

Rifqi Al-lil said...

indeed its a meaningful sms given to you, you should keep it shad.

btw yesterday I was in seremban. Pegi raya with my girl. Couldnt go to Oggy's house as we have no time.

Merry Aidilfitri shad!

Ahmad Rashaad said...

oggy's house? thought he was in melaka. all of em went to my sis's kenduri but at night la. faiz iskandar pakai shorts do! otai gile! haha

Rifqi Al-lil said...

where was the kenduri held? why i didnt know? haha i just was thinking to go to his house la shad.